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6 Ways to Elevate Your Skin Care Routine in 2020

6 Ways to Elevate Your Skin Care Routine in 2020

Making New Year’s resolutions is easy, it’s keeping them that’s the hard part. When it comes to your skincare routine, you may have lofty aspirations that you are intent on making long-term habits. In this blog, we’ll share some of our favorite ways to elevate your skincare routine in 2020. Flawless, more radiant skin is on the horizon this New Year with the following tips and skincare products

#1: Keep it Simple

While a 12-step skincare routine each night might seem glamorous, it’s not always necessary. Instead, take this year to simplify your skincare routine with a few proven and high-quality skincare products.

#2: Wash Your Face Each Night

As much as you may want to just fall into bed at the end of a long day, it’s important to remember to wash the day off your face each night. During the day, your face accumulates all the dust, grime, and dirt, in the air, so it’s especially important to use an anti-pollution cleanser that can remove all of the particulate matter and protect your face from the elements. 

#3: Load Up on the SPF

2020 should be the year of sunscreen! So much skin damage can be avoided if you apply proper sunscreen every day. Whether it’s extremely sunny or a little overcast, be sure to apply a moisturizer or foundation with SPF 30 or higher. Slowing down the signs of aging is possible if you avoid regular sun damage.

#4: Splurge on Your Skin

If you’re willing to pay loads of money for a night out, try splurging on a facial or spa treatment for your skin instead. You might find you don’t miss the cocktails as much when your skin is looking brighter and younger by the day. Also, be sure to work quality anti-aging products into your routine to prevent premature lines and wrinkles on your skin. 

#5: Hydrate. Hydrate. Hydrate.

We cannot stress this enough —hydration both inside and out will give your skin a more dewy glow. Hydration can mean a number of things, including:

  • Moisturizing your face and body daily with a high-quality moisturizer.
  • Drinking enough water each day.
  • Using a humidifier during winter or year-round if you live in a drier climate.

#6: Visit a Dermatologist

Many people will wait to see a dermatologist until something is wrong. Instead, be sure to see a dermatologist annually to ensure you are doing all you can to preserve the integrity and health of your skin. 

Taking care of your skin is easy when you have the right mindset and tools in your arsenal to create the perfect skincare routine for you. Whether you’re looking to diminish the appearance of stubborn scars or just wash off the day’s dirt and free radicals, Rejuvaskin can help.