Clinical Studies & Technical Papers
Silicone Scar Management
- Rheological Properties of Silicone Gels for Scar Treatment
Hradec Kralove, PharmDr. Eva Šnejdrová, Ph.D., Charles University, Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradci Králové Department of Pharmaceutical Technology 2022 - Topical Treatments for Hypertrophic Scars
Zurada AB, Kriegel D, Davis I, Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology December 2006: 55: 6 - Silicone Gel: A New Treatment for Burn Scars & Contractures. Perkins K, Davey RB, Wallis KA Burns 1982; 9: 201-204
- Treating Hypertrophic Scars with Silicone Gel. A Preliminary Report of a Trial of Silastic Gel in the Treatment of Patients with Hypertrophic Burn Scars. Carney SA, Cason CG, Gowas JP Journal of Wound Care 1993; 2: 197-198
- Evidence That Use of a Silicone Sheet Increases Range of Motion Over Burn Wound Contractures Wessling N., Ehleben CM, Chapman V., May SR & Still JM Journal of Burn Care & Rehabilitation 1985/6 p503-5
- Silicone Gel Appears Inexplicably to Flatten and Lighten Hypertrophic Scars from Burns Kirn TF JAMA ( United States) May 12, 1989, 261 (18) p2600
- Non-Pressure Treatment of Hypertrophic Scars Quinn KJ, Evans JH, Courtney JM, Gaylor JDS, Reid Wh Burns 1985; 12: 102-108
- Oncologic Applications for Silicone Gel Sheets in Soft Tissue Contractures Burkhardt A, Weitz J American Journal of Occupational Therapy, May 1991, 45: 460-2
- Static-Electric Field Induction by a Silicone Cushion for the Treatment of Hypertrophic and Keloid Scars Hirshowitz B, Lindenbaum E, Har-Shai Y, Feitelberg L, Tendler M, Katz K Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, April 1998 p: 1173-1183
- Silicone Gel in the Treatment of Keloid Scars Mercer NSG British Journal Plastic Surgery 1989, 42: 83-87
- Silicone Gel Scar Treatment Quinn KJ Controlled Therapeutics (Scotland) Ltd., East Kilbridge Burns Include Therm Inj (England) OCT 1987, 13 SUPPL S33 40
- Tropical Silicone Gel Sheeting in the Treatment of Hypertrophic Scars and Keloids. A Dermatologic Experience Gold MH J. Dermatology Surgical Oncology 1993; 19: 912-916
- Treatment of Hypertrophic and Keloid Scars with Silastic Gel Sheeting Dockery GL, Nilson RZ Journal Foot and Ankle Surgery 1994 Mar-Apr; 33 2: 110
- Skin Disorders in Black Children Laude TA Current Opinion Pediatrics, 1996 Aug 8 4: 381-385
- Effectiveness of Silastic Sheet Coverage in the Treatment of a Keloid Scar: Ohmori S. Aesthetic Plastic Surgery 1988 ; 12: 95-99
- Topical Silicone Gel: A New Treatment for Hypertrophic Scars Ahn ST, Monafo WW, Mustoe TA Surgery 1989 Oct, 106 4: 781-786
- Topical Silicone Gel for the Prevention and Treatment of Hypertrophic Scars Ahn ST, Monafo WW, Mustoe TA, Arch Surgery 1991, 126: 499-504
- Silicone Gel in the Treatment of Keloids Murdoch ME, Salisbury JA, Gibson JR ACTA Derm. Venereol 1990, 70/2 (181-183)
- Treatment of Scars and Keloids with a Cream Containing Silicone Oil Sawada Y, Sone K. British Journal of Plastic Surgery 1990, 43/6 (683-688)
- The Use of Silicone Gel in the Control of Hypertrophic Scarring McNee J. Physiotherapy 1990, 76/4 ( 194-197)
- Hypertrophic Sternal Scars: Silicone Gel Sheet versus Kenalog Injection Treatment Sproat, JE, Dalcin A, Weitauer N, Roberts RS Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, 1991 90: 988-992
- Silicone Occlusive Sheeting (S0S) in the Management of Hypertrophic Scarring, Including the Possible Mode of Action of Silicone Hirshowitz, B. et al (1993) European Journal of Plastic Surgery, 16:5-9
- Sense and Nonsense of Scar Creams and Gels Van den helder CJM, Hage JJ Anesth Plastic Surgery 1994; 18: 307-313
- International Clinical Recommendations on Scar Management, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, August 2002, Volume 110, No2