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You only need sunscreen in the summer.


Dermatologists recommend that you wear sunscreen every single day, no matter the weather, and even if you’re mostly staying inside.

Pores open & close


Pores do open & close… but not in the way you might think. Pores are small openings around a hair follicle, so they don’t open and close like a door. Instead they can stretch or expand around the hair follicle to be more open.

Hot water is good for your skin


While a hot shower can be great for relaxing your muscles, avoid cleansing your face with super hot water— it can actually dry out your skin!

The tingling means it’s working!


While a slight sensation is ok, if your skincare product causes a tingling or even burning feeling on your skin, this is usually a sign that something is wrong. (Aka stop using the product until you figure out the issue!)

Letting a cut or wound “air out” will make it heal faster


NO!! This is actually the opposite of what your wound needs— which is lots of moisture! Even after the wound has closed, keeping the area moisturized (especially via silicone!) will help you minimize scarring.

Makeup makes you age faster


When paired with a proper skincare routine designed for your skin’s needs & some regular cleansing, makeup won’t damage your skin. (In fact, hydrated, taken care of skin actually makes a better canvas for applying makeup!)

The order you apply your skincare products doesn’t really matter


It absolutely does! Using products in a certain order (with enough time in between for them to absorb) will enhance their efficacy. Learn how to order your skincare here!

Gua sha & facial exercises can help prevent wrinkles


While many swear by anecdotal evidence that suggests these practices are great for increased blood circulation, there’s no clinical research affirming that the use of gua sha techniques and facial exercises can truly prevent wrinkles.

The higher the SPF, the better


Most dermatologists recommend that you use at least SPF 30 for your daily protection, and while a higher SPF won’t hurt, it’s not actually giving you that much more protection. (For reference, SPF 30 blocks almost 97% of UVB rays, while SPF 50 blocks about 98%)


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