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10 Key Wellness Checks to Keep Your Health on Track

10 Key Wellness Checks to Keep Your Health on Track

Your health is your most valuable asset, and maintaining it should always be a top priority. At Rejûvaskin, we believe in a holistic approach to wellness, which means taking care of your body, mind, and spirit. Regular wellness checks are crucial to this philosophy, allowing you to catch potential health issues early, manage existing conditions, and ensure you're living your healthiest, happiest life.

Here, we’ve outlined ten essential wellness checks that should be on your radar to help you stay on track.

1. Annual Physical Exam: Your Health’s Yearly Tune-Up

An annual physical exam is the cornerstone of preventive healthcare. During this visit, your healthcare provider will conduct a thorough assessment, checking vital signs like blood pressure, heart rate, and weight. Bloodwork is also a critical component, screening for cholesterol and blood glucose levels to detect conditions like high cholesterol and diabetes early. This yearly check-up is an opportunity to address any health concerns and set wellness goals.

Pro Tip: Schedule your physical around your birthday to keep it consistent and easy to remember.

2. Skin Checks: Protecting Your Largest Organ

Your skin is your body’s first line of defense, and regular skin checks are vital. Conducting monthly self-exams helps you spot changes in moles, new growths, or unusual skin changes. Additionally, scheduling an annual visit with a dermatologist ensures a professional assessment, especially if you have a history of skin cancer or significant sun exposure. Early detection is key in treating skin cancer successfully.

Did You Know? Using a broad-spectrum sunscreen like Rejûvaskin’s Mineral Facial Sunscreen with SPF 32 can significantly reduce your risk of skin damage. Our mineral-based sunscreen not only protects against UVA and UVB rays but also soothes and nourishes your skin with niacinamide​.

3. Mental Health Check-Ins: Because Your Mind Matters

Mental health is an essential part of overall well-being. Regular mental health check-ins, whether through professional evaluations or casual conversations with trusted friends or therapists, are crucial. Mental health impacts everything from sleep quality to relationships and overall happiness. Don’t wait until you’re overwhelmed—regular check-ins can help maintain balance and peace of mind.

Self-Care Tip: Try mindfulness practices like meditation or journaling to regularly monitor your mental health and well-being.

4. Mammogram (Ages 40+): Early Detection Saves Lives

For women aged 40 and above, regular mammograms are a must. These screenings are pivotal in detecting breast cancer early when it is most treatable. The American Cancer Society recommends annual screenings starting at age 40, but this can vary based on family history, lifestyle factors, genetics, and more— so it’s best to discuss your risk factors with your healthcare provider to determine the right screening schedule for you.

Takeaway: Early detection of breast cancer through mammograms can lead to more treatment options and higher survival rates.

5. Colonoscopy (Ages 45+): A Must-Do for Digestive Health

Colorectal cancer is one of the leading causes of cancer deaths, but it is highly preventable with regular screening. A colonoscopy is the most effective method for detecting colorectal cancer early. The American Cancer Society recommends starting at age 45 for average-risk adults. This screening can identify and allow for the removal of precancerous polyps, reducing cancer risk.

Fact: Regular screenings could save over 30,000 lives annually from colorectal cancer.

6. Bone Density Scan (Ages 65+): Strengthen Your Bones

Osteoporosis affects millions, especially women post-menopause. A bone density scan helps detect osteoporosis before fractures occur. Women should begin routine bone density tests at age 65, and men should discuss their risk factors to determine when to start screening. Preventive measures, like maintaining a diet rich in calcium and vitamin D, can also help protect bone health.

Healthy Habits: Regular weight-bearing exercises can strengthen bones and reduce osteoporosis risk.

7. Cervical and Prostate Cancer Exams: Preventive Care

Cervical cancer screening with Pap smears should start at age 21 for women, occurring every three years. For men, prostate cancer screenings using the PSA test are recommended, especially after age 50. Both screenings are crucial in early cancer detection, significantly improving treatment success rates.

Reminder: Early detection of cervical and prostate cancers can lead to more effective treatment options.

8. Lung Cancer Screening (Ages 50+): Breathing Easy

If you have a history of smoking or exposure to harmful environmental factors, a lung cancer screening is advisable. A low-dose CT scan is often recommended for individuals aged 50 and older who have smoked a pack a day for 20 years or equivalent. Quitting smoking and avoiding pollutants can significantly reduce your risk of lung cancer.

Consider: Regular screenings and lifestyle changes can help detect and prevent lung cancer.

9. Vision, Hearing, and Dental Exams: Essential Checks for Overall Health

Regular vision, hearing, and dental exams are critical. Annual eye exams can catch early signs of glaucoma or cataracts, hearing tests can detect early hearing loss, and dental check-ups can prevent gum disease and detect oral cancer early. Each of these screenings contributes to maintaining your quality of life.

Advice: Prioritize these exams to maintain your senses and oral health, as they are vital for overall well-being.

10. Diabetes and Cholesterol Screening: Know Your Numbers

Diabetes and cholesterol screenings are often included in annual physicals but are essential enough to highlight separately. These tests help detect prediabetes or high cholesterol, both of which are risk factors for heart disease, stroke, and other serious conditions. Regular monitoring can lead to early intervention and lifestyle adjustments to manage your health effectively.

Heart Health Tip: A balanced diet and regular exercise are the best ways to manage blood sugar and cholesterol levels.

The Takeaway

Taking charge of your health involves being proactive and informed. By keeping these ten key wellness checks on your radar, you can stay ahead of potential health issues and live a healthier, happier life. At Rejûvaskin, we are dedicated to your wellness journey, offering products like our Mineral Facial Sunscreen and Scar Heal Kit to support your skin health.

Because when you feel good in your skin, you feel good in your life.